

in just one garden

I am inclined to believe that there is -somewhere on this planet- a place where simplicity and age are appreciated and approached with awe.
We would only need our eyes to see. We would only love. There.

15 σχόλια:

Ρομπέν είπε...

I'm signing up for this quest!

Finn είπε...

Χριστός Ανέστη! Ρομπέν, χρόνια πολλά!

leena είπε...


And there is a photo from Helsinki above!

Finn είπε...

Thank you! It's my grandmonther's garden.

I' ve been there last summer. It was a revealing experience, this trip to a different way of life. I am trying to keep that in mind, because i found it practical and beautiful! (that's how i chose my blog-name:)

Ρομπέν είπε...

Αληθώς ο Κύριος! Χρόνια πολλά!

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Τα λουλούδια του κήπου ανθίσαν...
τα λουλούδια της ψυχής ποτισμένα είναι κι αυτά!

Finn είπε...


τα μεν και τα δε χρειάζονται συνεχές πότισμα, ε; να μη στερεύει το νερό, και η αγάπη, εύχομαι.

Ritva είπε...

simply beautiful.

Finn είπε...

She is a strong grandmother! I am in need of some of her advice to take care my poor flowers on the balcony!

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Τα λουλούδια της γιαγιάς θα ανθίζουν πάντα ,αφού ξέρουμε καλά ότι είναι ποτισμένα με ενδιαφέρον και αγάπη!

Finn είπε...


μακάρι να μοιάσουμε στη γιαγιά στη δύναμη και τη ζωντάνια ;)

και τα άλλα που είπες να φροντίζουμε πρωτίστως με την ίδια δύναμη.

καλό βράδυ!

υ.γ. τι να κάνω με τη βοκαμβύλια; όλο χάνει λουλουδάκια..

Ritva είπε...

your flowers...
advise from a strong grandmother...
advise from a strong grandmother...
your flowers...

Finn είπε...

Ι am a desperate gardener myself! I hope i can grow up as strong as her. She never gets too tired. She waters flowers and trees, takes care of vegetables, works on land, through almost the whole day. Then, she sits to admire her garden. I brought her a little bird to keep her extra company.

Ritva είπε...

lucky you, to have such a role model!
a bird like yours?

Finn είπε...

Her bird sings all the time. Mine is almost always silent.